From now on we'll be like

The 5fingers of the hand for you

The 5 fingers of the hand for you

Marketing Director

Visual of a man writing on a blackboard
Centralized networks
  • Easily create customized campaigns for the entire network, a region or a selection of outlets from the platform
  • No more wasted time with geographic relocation, order your personalized campaigns en masse
  • Use the platform to upload briefs from your network, and order them directly from head office
Decentralized networks
  • Control your graphic identity by giving your network access to pre-configured packs
  • Easily track order volumes by campaign, theme, media, date...
  • Control your kitty and top-up systems at a glance

Network coordinator / region

‍network/ region


Manage seasonal highlights for sales outlets in the area under management


Disseminate sales targets and track volumes


Simple access to all investments made by each sales outlet in your zone

Point of sale manager


Control your budget by managing your catchment area independently to develop in-store traffic


Easily order pre-packaged media campaigns without worrying about formats and content


Easily submit marketing plans to the head office to benefit from available grants and subsidies

Maps arrow icon

Increase your digital skills with the support of a dedicated CSM for each order

Visual of a woman in front of a painting

Ready to optimize

Your network's actions?

Your network's actions?

Visual of a hand holding a telephone

Increased proximity

Our customers say it best

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First name Last name

Volvo's marketing budget management platform is intuitive to use on a day-to-day basis, making it easy to enter data for every marketing action, whether On or Offline, VP, Fleet or Services. It's also an effective tool for gaining a clear view of investments over the quarter, by media, by vehicle, by type of operation.

Olivier Lorenzelli
Volvo Marketing Manager - Actena Automobiles

A relevant, easy-to-use tool, and a team that takes the field's requests into account and knows how to adapt to operational needs.

Gaëlle Verpy
Digital Marketing and Quality Manager - Riester Group

A clear, easy-to-use platform that brings together all my sites, with the ability to create and plan different campaigns on different media. Possibility to customize when I have specific needs: advice and direct exchanges with my very available advisor. Excellent support.

Aurore Delavous
Marketing Manager - Groupe Bernier

Simple and good support for people with little or no knowledge of communications, intuitive platform. High-performance campaigns, nothing to complain about, plus the fact that we receive a report that enables us to adapt our communications. Top support! Very fast and pleasant ☺

Athea Pavé
Marketing Manager - DS Castres - Groupe Sud Auto

Your platform is a real asset to our marketing activities. You'll help us set up and manage our local campaigns: choosing offers, prospecting and targeting zones, monitoring campaign performance, etc. A friendly, available team. A pleasure to work with!

Aurélie Mercier
Marketing Coordinator - Riester Group

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Gold cases
Data Grand Prix
Grand prix minted